Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thank god he's cute.

So my littlest one is suffering from diarreha today. That's all fine and good except that in the middle of his diaper change he projectile diarreha'ed all over me! No joke people, it took all my will power not to vomit. All the while my husband stood by cracking up. What a fun day!
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Victoria's sweet dance moves!

She didn't know I was taping her, hence the crappy video work! You will probably have to turn your volume up way loud to hear the music, she was dancing and singing to Katy Perry's Hot and Cold. It's her jam!

Friday, March 5, 2010

First time for everything....

So, Chad just pryed a cheerio out of victoria's nose. She was freaking ouy so I am sure she'll never do it again. But I never expected that from her! Lol!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Birthday time!

So, payton&victoria had their birthdays this month. I cannot believe I am the mother of a 7 and 4 year old. Time just goes too fast. I may not be mother of the year but I do love my kids more than anything, and no matter what I always want them to know that. They wanted to go to chuckie cheese so that is what we did. They had a blast playing all the games. It was so crowded that we had to come back home to do cake and presents. Payton got a couple new books, which is awesome cause he loves to read. Plus a couple new wrestlers. Victoria got an adorable new bike as well as the ever popular zuzu pet hamster. They r so spoiled. It was fun and I am so proud of the little people they r becoming.
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